New Maxim Advanced - Protects Fibers From the Inside Out
Traditional protectors work by creating a repellency
barrier across the top of carpet to protect the fibers. But this
repellency only works when spills are cleaned up immediately. If not,
they simply soak through the barrier where they immediately bond to the
unprotected fibers, creating difficult to remove stains.
These repellency barriers can also be easily
penetrated by hot spills and spills from heights. And, these surface
barriers break down with time and foot traffic, further degrading the
carpet's protection.
Instead of relying on repellency, new Maxim Advanced
uses a totally new technology to prevent spills from bonding to fibers.
Because Maxim Advanced coats fibers with a stain barrier completely,
not just at the top, spills will not bead up and then soak through to
create stains. You and your customers will be able to remove spills
easily even months later!
RTU pH: 4 - 6
Dilution Ratios:
Pump or Electric Sprayer: Mix
Maxim Advanced at 1: 2 dilution (1 part Maxim Advanced to 2 parts
water). This is half the water of DuPont Teflon or 3M Scotchgard!
Hydro-Force Sprayer: Use full strength, remove metering tip.
Each concentrated gallon covers (wet OR dry carpet):
High density residential carpet: 1,200 sq. ft. per concentrated gallon
Low density commercial carpet: 2,400 sq. ft. per concentrated gallon
Package: 1 Gallon
Material Safety Data Sheet: